"A fireplace is the supreme part of a home, I wouldn't want it to be without one. But it has an appetite that knows no end!"A fireplace is the
"Nature abhors the congregation of her creatures. She fights against the evils of our population. In the hearts of her children she plants an irresistible instinct for spreading, searching out new lands, seeking, ever seeking what lies just beyond the horizon." Tippy Canoe and Canada Too‚ pg. 69Nature abhors the congregation
"A person must stand on holy ground to realize… that in himself are talents and the opportunities through which he must work out his salvation. Not in the world, but in his own character in his work. Success is not measured by comparing himself with his neighbor, but rather in the degree he cultivates and uses his natural ability." A Tippy Canoe and Canada Too‚ pg. 231A person must stand
"Many and beautiful are the gifts of spring, not the least of which is the silent suggestion of the omnipotence of life."Many and beautiful are
"In the depth of our true being, in love and Godliness and kindness, there resides an undisturbed harmony to which we may easily turn."In the depth of
"Our failure to understand the true nature of things has put so many creatures on the undesirable list that if all were destroyed of which people do not approve, there would be little wild life left." A Tippy Canoe and Canada Too‚ pg. 71Our failure to understand
"Animals are individuals to me, and I am glad I think of them not only as serving man with flesh and hide, but also as co-partners in the glorious revelation of the infinitude of life."Animals are individuals to
"It is within your sacred power to point thoughts of tired people to God." Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo and Still-Mo pg. 237It is within your
(Duke) "You don't really find peace until you get close to Him‚ some way, some how, I wish I know." Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo and Still-Mo pg. 39You don't really find
"When a wealth of heavenly good is wrapped up in that one word, friend. It gets interwoven one way or another with everything that is right and desirable in life."When a wealth of