"The biggest compliment is to tell someone that they are perfectly natural." Too Much Salt and Pepper‚ pg. 252The biggest compliment is
"I am often led to speculate on the evidence of Divine design there is even in the small events of our lives." Tippy Canoe and Canada Too‚ pg. 157I am often led
"Many and beautiful are the gifts of spring, not the least of which is the silent suggestion of the omnipotence of life."Many and beautiful are
"Nothing is fully possessed until gratitude is expressed." A Tippy Canoe and Canada Too‚ pg 232Nothing is fully possessed
(Duke) "You don't really find peace until you get close to Him‚ some way, some how, I wish I know." Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo and Still-Mo pg. 39You don't really find
"Love that is bestowed in compensation for some favor or blessings has selfishness mixed in!"Love that is bestowed
"A fireplace is the supreme part of a home, I wouldn't want it to be without one. But it has an appetite that knows no end!"A fireplace is the
"In the depth of our true being, in love and Godliness and kindness, there resides an undisturbed harmony to which we may easily turn."In the depth of
"One of the inexplicable things in nature, at least to our present limited understanding, is the strange faculty of instinct found in both animals and men. In men instinct has been smothered and lost in self-consciousness and, with questionable benefit at times, compromised with reason."One of the inexplicable
"The enemies to our happiness are more in the nature of mistakes, errors, superstitions, fears — things that have no power or substance except that which we give them in ignorance."The enemies to our