"The biggest compliment is to tell someone that they are perfectly natural." Too Much Salt and Pepper‚ pg. 252The biggest compliment is
"But hold on, Hi-Bub, don't let the world snatch your treasure from you. Fight for your right to love the forest, and it will never fail you." A Tippy Canoe and Canada TooBut hold on
"In the depth of our true being, in love and Godliness and kindness, there resides an undisturbed harmony to which we may easily turn."In the depth of
"Animals are individuals to me, and I am glad I think of them not only as serving man with flesh and hide, but also as co-partners in the glorious revelation of the infinitude of life."Animals are individuals to
"Sometimes, in the important matters of forgiveness and returning good for evil, our forest brethren are more obedient than we are."Sometimes, in the important
"The enemies to our happiness are more in the nature of mistakes, errors, superstitions, fears — things that have no power or substance except that which we give them in ignorance."The enemies to our
(Duke) "Once in while I have reached the place where peace was close at hand that I knew where to seek it at last. It was when I forget myself, and as someone said, look through nature to nature‚ as God." Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo and Still-Mo pg. 38Once in a while
"There are few living things whose purpose in the great scheme cannot be clearly seen if we get rid of our fears and think wisely." Tippy Canoe and Canada Too‚ pg. 71There are few living
"Love that is bestowed in compensation for some favor or blessings has selfishness mixed in!"Love that is bestowed
"My inclination, after years of observation, is never to charge anything to chance in nature. It is all cause and effect. Intelligence, often a higher order then what we call reasoning, guides the people of the forest." A Tippy Canoe and Canada TooMy inclination