"Who has not stood at the glorious moment when it seems that God Himself has called him (or her) by name and directed him (or her) to an important task?"
Too Much Salt and Pepper‚ pg. 218Who has not stood
"When a wealth of heavenly good is wrapped up in that one word, friend. It gets interwoven one way or another with everything that is right and desirable in life."When a wealth of
"It is within your sacred power to point thoughts of tired people to God."
Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo and Still-Mo pg. 237It is within your
"I am often led to speculate on the evidence of Divine design there is even in the small events of our lives."
Tippy Canoe and Canada Too‚ pg. 157I am often led
"The biggest compliment is to tell someone that they are perfectly natural."
Too Much Salt and Pepper‚ pg. 252The biggest compliment is
"Nature abhors the congregation of her creatures. She fights against the evils of our population. In the hearts of her children she plants an irresistible instinct for spreading, searching out new lands, seeking, ever seeking what lies just beyond the horizon."
Tippy Canoe and Canada Too‚ pg. 69Nature abhors the congregation
"One need never be lonely in the great outdoors. There is satisfying companionship to be found among forest folk when we are worthy."One need never be
"Love that is bestowed in compensation for some favor or blessings has selfishness mixed in!"Love that is bestowed
"One has sensed little of the real beauty of the natural world if he has not been moved to tears."
Too Much Salt and Pepper‚ pg. 175One has sensed little
"Many and beautiful are the gifts of spring, not the least of which is the silent suggestion of the omnipotence of life."Many and beautiful are